As it turns out, and to my delighted surprise, I DO have a vision, a dream, a direction. But it seems as though having a vision or being one who can set a vision and implement it is far more complex than some make it to be.
Truth be known, just like in other avenues of the working and moving world, pastors and churches also need good visions, good goals, and a clear idea of where both are headed. Of course, the church and the leadership role of a pastor still differ greatly from the business institution and worldly leader in that faith, submission, and selflessness trump over strategy, gain, and personal rewards. But it is also worth pointing out that if any businesses or institution, or any leader, religious or not, wishes to succeed, there must be a vision for what needs to happen. There needs to be direction that everyone can sink their teeth (or heart) into.
I've read enough books now that I no longer think the concept is strange or foreign. They say that a pastor with a vision is like a dog wagging his tail when someone mentions the "w-a-l-k" word. I completely get it and agree that a pastor should have that. Why not?? How exciting! However, in my reading and studying, even as of fairly recently, when I came to those sections in books that pushed me to think about what my vision is for the setting that I am in, I often fell short of feeling like I had one that quickened my heartbeat and made me drool a little (or a lot).
In fact, early on here at Horizons (it's still technically early, but even earlier than now), many asked me what my vision for Horizons was. I can still remember the uneasy feeling of thinking in my heart, "Oh no... I'm being asked what my vision is, and I don't know if I have one." I was a little concerned. Will I ever have a vision for Horizons??? I hoped so.
But now the months have continued to fly, and as I continued to get more settled and geared up for what's ahead, I'm looking around at my conversations, my choices, my daydreams, and I'm shocked, and pleased, to see and feel that I have a vision. I know now where God has called Horizons to go. I know now what God has put on my heart and on the hearts of this ministry to accomplish and see happen. And I'll be the first to tell you that I have needed to clean up some drool and return some lamps to the upright position! It's exciting! Thank goodness no heart monitors were hooked up to me recently!
So what IS my vision?? Why didn't I have one from the start??
The second comes first. From day one at Horizons, I was told that before I could start casting my own vision, I first needed to join the church in casting their vision. After some time, I then could begin to transition from the church's into my own. That seemed fair enough for me. But I realized along the way that it's not quite that simple. Instead, the last 3 and half months of my time at Horizons has been a beautiful pouring of two vibrant and complementing colors into the same pool.
Horizons has poured all they are into my life and heart, and I'm seeing myself do the same. I've learned much about the church, the numerous leaders and contributors, and an exciting history of miracles and efforts. And, God bless Horizons, the church too has taken the time to learn more about me and hear about my life, dreams, and faith. And I believe that because of this mutual pouring AND praying AND submitting our lives to God's leading, we have come to see OUR vision. Not the church's, not mine, but GOD'S that has created for us.
I see now what Horizons has already AND what it needs. I see now what Horizons can do AND what it needs to do more of. I've seen where we've been AND where it is essential that we go. I've also seen what I have that meets what Horizons can use. I've seen how God has led me to exactly the right places along the way so that as I join Horizons, we'll have everything we'll need. And, I've seen how we have all begun to respond and awaken to what God is doing and how God is moving at Horizons. I have a VISION and it's ours together: Horizons', God's, mine!
So what's my vision for Horizons? I don't want to spill too much at once, but this is what I can say: Horizons grew up on HOME Groups. They've been central and core to who we have become. Those HOME Groups are the primary way that God has kept this community alive and as vibrant as it is. I believe in small groups, and I know that we will see them grow and flourish in even greater ways. I also know that Horizons' Mission is NOT broken. It is because of our mission to lead seekers and doubters to transformation in Christ that there is so much energy and hope inside and outside of these walls. I am thrilled about our mission, and I see now that all we need to do is focus a little more on the "leading" portion. If we all were once seekers and doubters who have been transformed in Christ, then isn't the next step for each of us to grow into the leaders who will walk with others, just as someone once walked with us?
You see? I do have a vision! WE have a vision: HOME Groups and Christian Leadership--all for the transformation of our lives and others' lives in relationships with Jesus Christ. This is just the beginning, but it's a feast we'll be long gathered at the table enjoying.
Here's to vision and the One who speaks to our hearts so that we have it! Amen.
More to come...
Jason <><
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