Who doesn't love being awesome and being a part of something awesome? It feels good to walk into a space or be around people and get the sense that EVERYTHING is in order here or with these people. It makes us feel good, our trust levels increase instantly, and we're much more willing to be a part of wherever we're at or whoever we're with.
But the reflex action of latching on to awesome things can hurt our growth if we're not careful. Here's what I mean:
The more we continue to follow or trust only the things that are already awesome, the more we run the risk of lessening our creativity, self agency, and capacity to lead as God has called us. We run the risk of migrating toward a greater population of followers rather than leaders.
Here's the setting we find ourselves in, and what happens to us along the way: In life we often create lists of the things lacking in our situations--the things we believe we need to find in order to be complete. We want what we want, and because someone, somewhere is offering it without requiring our hard work or participation, we begin to believe that our true quest in life is no longer to be creative and productive, but rather, to be seekers and needers, looking for the next thing that will satisfy our shortcomings and holes in our souls.
The problem? Because we're so used to having things handed to us, we often forget that we have the powerful gift to build and create the future we have been called to seek. We forget that our hands and minds are useful, healing, and strong.
The problem? We lose our agency and freedom in exchange for the spoonfeeders are offering us and to which we become subjects. We need them, and we suddenly realize we have no choice but to take what they give( unless we're brave enough to move on in search of the next feeder before we starve).
The problem? We lose the in-dwelling of God's Spirit and Jesus' life-giving redemption that are borne within us and instead constantly beg from above for God to come and care, love, and protect us.
So I say, love awesome, but don't need it. Learn from awesome, but don't depend on someone else to create it. Be and create awesome whenever and however you can, just as God has given us each the ability to do so.
More to come!
Jason <><
The older I get the more I understand the old hymn that goes "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.’"