Monday, February 11, 2013

Practicing Lent

This week we participate in an ancient tradition of placing ashes on our foreheads--Ash Wednesday.  Some would say this is a tradition only for "high-church" settings.  Others would say it's an outdated practice.  WE say, this is rich, let us embrace these ashes.

Below is a practice for the season of Lent that begins this Wednesday the 13th and lasts through Saturday before Easter, March 30th, for all of Horizons and any others invited or interested.  Share it with a friend if you'd like!

The season of Lent, in a general sense, is a period of preparation and mindfulness of God's extraordinary gifts--like Advent in that sense.  It begins with receiving ashes, which serve as a reminder of our frailty and ultimate roots, continues from there as a season to be mindful of Jesus' sacrifice and the beauty of his suffering for us, and culminates in the occurrence of the impossible:  Jesus triumphing over sin and death to set us free.

The season of Lent, therefore, while meaningful, is often filled with the contemplation of our ashes and our need to be lifted out of them.  Some will enter into deeper prayer, others will temporarily give up behaviors or habits, while some will adopt other practices that help engage the heart in Jesus' gift.  No matter what we do, however, let our sacrifices or our practices ultimately lead us closer to realizing in our hearts, minds, and lives the gift, freedom, and life given to us through Jesus' love.

FOR LENT THIS YEAR:  "Embracing Our Ashes"

We are God's creation and are reminded that we once came from ashes and that we'll return to ashes in our death.  We are also reminded that during our lifetime, our hearts and lives are filled with ashes--of deceit, greed, idolatry, hate, and selfishness.  There is pain in this acknowledgement, but there is joy and freedom knowing that our life with God and our belief in Jesus will breathe redemption into us who are otherwise just ashes.  This is the event of transformation in our daily ashes that leads to life beyond darkness and loss.

Here's a way to acknowledge this in our lives this year:

  1. READ:  Starting with John 16:4, read 5 verses each day but Sunday.
  2. JOURNAL:  Consider and write down your "ash of the day" that most needs to be replaced with life.
  3. PRAY:  Ask Jesus to let new life flourish in the midst of your "ash of the day."
  4. PRACTICE:  Develop a weekly fasting routine of drinking only water for 1 up to 3 scheduled meals.
  5. RECORD:  Take note of changes and observations you witness along the way.

Let this season and these practices shape your life and your faith.  Share with a friend.  Enjoy.

More to come!

Jason <><

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