Monday, January 20, 2014

Simple as That!

In a moment neither Sarah nor I were exactly anticipated, we both came upon today in a bit of surprise.  So far 2014 has been busy for both of us, and neither of us had talked much about Martin Luther King Jr. Day and what that meant for our calendar lives.

It was a delight to wake up this morning reporting to each other that we did not in fact have to go to school or work.  Amen!  So we took advantage of the day catching up on some quality time, which had already run into a deficit since the turn of the new year.  What did we do with our precious time?  We went shopping.  

And it was some of the best shopping we'd done recently because we were able to be together!  

But, this day hasn't been beautiful just because of that.  It's important to share the rest of the story.  Today is a day we pause to remember and pour fresh life into the dreams, pain, progress, and equality represented in a man and leader.  What King stood for and believed in continues to be of vital importance in our world today, and we are fortunate to have our history and our story marked with his courage.  

I didn't hear all of it, but on our way from store to store, I caught a brief comment from a radio DJ reminding us that among many other things, King taught each of us the lesson of not giving up on things we believe in.  We all need that reminder and encouragement today.

And so, as if Jesus himself were speaking to me, I have been reminded not to give up on the things I believe in.  I believe in my faith, the One who sets me free, who gives us life, and who directs our steps to things that really matter.  I believe in the covenant I made with my wife and the importance of spending time together as a way of both witnessing and honoring God.  I believe in the call God has given me to serve him, and the direction God has given me to lead a beautiful people, church, and ministry.  And I believe in the need to share the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus Christ with all I have the chance, in the hopes that His life will also fill those around me.

I believe in these things, and I will not give up!  Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day!  Thank you God.

More to come!

Jason <><

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