That to me is the epitome of our lives vested in Christ: we become so fully alive we can hardly comprehend it.
But in addition to those looks I witnessed on Sunday, I had the rare and delightful opportunity to witness some other looks as well.
Our full immersion baptistery is portable. We assemble and fill it specifically for these occasions. In years past, the filling and heating process has been quite time and labor intensive. So, as we heavily encourage at Horizons, some out-of-the-box thinkers proposed a new plan that would be quicker and better. I was all for it, and gave the idea the blessing.
Unfortunately, when we go out on limbs to try new, innovative things, not all of them work out the first time.
As I arrived Sunday morning, the first looks I received were from the water heating people. Looks of concern told me the water didn't get very warm. Their words rang true as I later experienced for myself: the water was frigid.
The second, and heavily repeated look, was that of every shocked adult and student as they emerged from the waters of their baptism during the services. Typically, the first expression on one's face as he or she comes out of the water is of pure elation and joy--I'M ALIVE!!
However, Sunday's looks were in a slightly different, and expanded order, as I have narrated below:
- Whoa that's cold!! Am I still alive?
- Oh! Yes, I am, and this new life is AWESOME!!
- Hey...who's this wise guy standing next to me?? Why didn't he tell me it was freezing??
- Never mind... this is too good to worry about. I'm alive; I'm saved!
Yet, regardless of any of those looks, the look of our Baptism/Confirmation Sunday was that of totally revived people, pools of baptism water on the floor, and many changed lives.
It's Monday now, and the world looks pretty good because of this Sunday! Praise God.
More to come!
Jason <><