To celebrate:
- Sarah and I made it through our first week apart and only missed one devotion!
- Even without Sarah's expert leadership, I managed to host all 22 confirmation students and leaders at our home on Friday
- Our "One Word" journey is off to a beautiful start; my word is "Confidence" (Jer 17:7)
- Our HOME Group is bigger and more cohesive than ever
- The Confirmands, parents, and Prayer Warriors have begun their official journey together
- 14 families are signed up for Financial Peace University
- New Disciple Groups and HOME Groups are on their way|
- Several new studies are being offered and a new Healthy Horizons initiative is on its way!
HERE'S THE KICKER: If we don't stay grounded and focused, we'll be swept away by the rush. Wisdom in Proverbs reminds us "The plans of the diligent end up in profit, but those who hurry end up with loss" (21:5, Common English).
As we were reminded in worship yesterday, without prayer, it's impossible to follow God's leading. Without God's leading, how can we stay diligent to the right direction?
What often results instead of our diligence is our hurry, or as it's translated in the ESV, our haste. We say yes to everything, rush like mad to accomplish everything, and burn out of everything by Feb.
While every option is available to us in the beginning of the new year, not everything is specifically for us. God knows what each of us needs and is happy to lead us toward the right things. Here's to a life-filled 2015!
More to come!
Jason <><
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