Our current sermon series--"A Time for Everything," which is largely based off Solomon's wisdom in Ecclesiastes 3 has been teaching me quite a bit about my current life and what God is calling me to live into in each season. It's led me to ask the question, what is the point of the seasons God has created if I'm trying to accomplish all things for all people in every moment of my life? Aren't seasons by the very nature of their definition marked by distinctions? Fall isn't winter because there isn't typically snow. Spring isn't summer because the temps haven't reached 100 yet. Fall has falling leaves, Spring has blooming flowers, etc... We're blessed by these seasons. They make our lives rich and the various parts of our lives unique.
So why are we so often attempting to live seasonless lives beyond how we make it through the different times of the physical year?

Although it's been on my heart for quite some time, today I'm announcing a season in my life called "Blogcation." After 177 weekly blogs, I'm feeling the need to step away for a while and let me heart and attention focus on other areas of life and ministry. I've struggled with this because I'm afraid others will see as though I'm being lazy, or that I'll look like a quitter in comparison to some of the Blogging Giants who have blogged for years on a daily basis and have thousands of readers. I'm also hesitant to take a break from blogging because I'm afraid others will perceive that I'm failing and my intuit that for their confidence in my leadership.

But in truth, I know I need not worry about any of these things. It's easy to worry the tree is dying when it loses its leaves or that a plant is cooking in the summer heat, but in truth, each is living into its natural function during that season, and that is how it continues to live and thrive for many, many seasons yet to come.
So! Here's to the seasons, and here's to "blocation!" I'm looking forward to this new season. If you are a consistent reader of my blogs, here's an opportunity to explore other blogs for a season. I found a blog just today that may help you get started. It's all about joy!
Joyless Christianity is Dangerous
More to come (after blogcation)!
Jason <><
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