Monday, March 10, 2014

Church Lesson!

This last Sunday concluded our first totally remade Vital Christianity and Covenant (VCC) class for membership and personal growth.  It was awesome!  Yes, it was the pilot class that will help us work out all the kinks for future classes, but nonetheless, I loved it.

It was based on relationships, why Horizons does things "backwards," what's going on in the world of theology and the church, and how God is so BIG.  Tons of Horizons people came and shared their stories, about how they lead, how they were saved, or what Horizons means to them.

Sure, we're pretty certain everyone who took the class learned a fair amount.  But I'm pretty sure I learned even more!

Even though my energy is pretty much spent by the time VCC is finished on Sunday afternoons, I've left each class beaming and smiling.  The conversations on tough topics, the laughter, the prayers being prayed for and between people who don't know each other very well, and the other leaders doing their things, give me large smiles and a lot to be thankful for.

In the process of this class, I also had the chance to hear from some of the original Horizons people--people who have been at the church exponentially longer than I have.  I've learned and relearned about the Spirit that drove trusting hearts to do something new.  I've discovered and rediscovered the passion of the church from the beginning to do things backwards--on purpose!  Because God called us to it!  I've learned more about the concerns and the passions of those making Horizons their new home, and I've learned about how God can bring together beautiful teams of leaders, teachers, hosts, and lunch servers.

After these six great weeks, I'm happy to say I passed the class and have grown much from it!   Amen.  Now this Sunday (the 16th) we'll witness several new Horizons people making their covenants with God in our ministry.  And it will be beautiful!

More to come!

Jason <><

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