Maybe it seems like a no-brainer (no pun intended) in the context of this conversation, but in reality, we often fall into a mode of thought that if we overuse something, it may eventually wear out. While it is true we can overuse our bodies by flooding them with drastic changes in activity or overwhelming them with harmful substances or habits, it still remains true that if we don't use it, we risk loosing it.
I was reminded of this in regard to smiles and the deeper presence of joy this last week. If we don't find chances to laugh, to smile, to play on a regular basis, we risk atrophy of joy in our lives. Not seeking and finding joy in our lives has the potential to kill our relationships, our ministries, and our faith in a living, life-giving God,

So just like the heart, we also need to exercise our smiles, our laughter, and our ability to appreciate and enjoy our lives and what we've been given as part of our faith lives and our connection to Jesus and His Spirit in the world. A friend once told me in an effort to share his best wisdom with me "never take yourself too seriously." It seems like petty advise, but it has the capacity to hold us accountable in significant ways in regard to laughing for life!
More to come!
Jason <><
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