Monday, November 24, 2014

Ask Your Wife First!

Being a pastor assures that Sarah and I are always learning about our relationship and about each other.  Not only do we want to set a good, honest example for others, but as I counsel couples preparing for marriage I am continually reminded of what works, what doesn't, and how Sarah and I are called to live into the same things we're teaching.

But sometimes I forget.

This last Sunday (Nov 23rd) I pulled a classic move of talking about Sarah and our practices/challenges in regard to honesty, especially as it applied to physical appearances.  I presented the question, how do we honor honesty while still wanting to help each other feel good about our appearances, even when our outfits just aren't coming together?

There aren't any easy answers to that one.  Honesty sometimes causes hurt.

Open house treats and smiles, even after the message!
As Sarah and I reflected after the service and through out the day, we laughed at how it all came out in the service.  Sarah and I agreed my sharing about our challenges was a great way to open the teaching about how love tells the truth.  But I can still recall the look on her face yesterday as she sat captive in the front row listening to my story unfold.  I realized as I was telling our story, "oh no!  I never told Sarah I was going to share this."

It turned out alright, and contrary to most beliefs, I did not need to sleep either on the couch or in a tent in the backyard.  We actually love having the chance to share about our challenges if they'll help others relate.  In the end, Sarah wasn't upset about my sharing, and we both found some new insight into who we are and how we strive to care for each other,

BUT, we also concluded yesterday rather frankly, I MUST TELL HER FIRST, if I'm going to share.  I usually do, but I forgot this time...  Thank God for grace, trust, and love that doesn't expect perfection from each other.

More to come!

Jason <><

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