Yesterday as I was delivering my message in church, I noticed how hard I was working to present God's word in an ultra-attractive manner--highlight the drama, connect every aspect to our personal lives, add humor, reinforce with other cites of scripture, provide numerous examples, and sound convincing.
The truth is, God's word has clearly stood the test of time and relevance. It's the most widely printed, translated, and distributed collection in all of history. God's story has the capacity to change the very course of our lives as well as the very course of our entire existence. It has saved more lives than all rescue teams combined, and has changed more lives than have cumulatively filled all football, soccer, and other major sporting event arenas across the globe. It is powerful, it is full of life, and can break through any barrier. How could we ever doubt it?
Ultimately, we end up trying to doctor up God's word because we're struggling to believe in it ourselves. This is why so many of us are terrified to speak in a church. This is why many of us swear we have not been called to be evangelists in the world.
Really? Is this necessary?
It's funny how this happens without even noticing. Fear creeps in, and I begin to worry no one will find interest, that others won't make the connections, that it doesn't apply to our lives, etc. How foolish we can often be.

Yet, Satan enjoys the easy attack, and at least for a moment convinces us that God's word alone isn't enough, that its success in the world and in our churches is ultimately in our control and under our responsibility, and that personal failure is worse that failing to trust God.

But the powerful truth, whether it's in regard to preaching or sharing with others, is that God's word doesn't need elaborate proofs, heart-throbbing stories, or knock-dead presentations. It doesn't need smooth talkers, debate pros, or holy sales professionals.
All it really needs is an honest heart, a true story, a simple trust in God's power and work, and a willingness to let go of control and fear. God's word will sell itself, and it will be the best heard yet.
More to come!
Jason <><
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