It's been exciting to feel as though we as a church community are coming together in this season to rally for next year, to see what we can do together when we unite as brothers and sisters and let God work through us.
It's exciting because the Horizons community feels like its taking more of a shape and that we have a much clearer sense of who we are and what we're called to. There's excitement in the air, rather than trepidation.

The verse is inspiring. It gives us hope and courage.
But, as I focus on this verse today, I'm also reminded it takes faith. I need to have faith that this verse isn't just a group of words meant to inspire me, but rather they are words to challenge and affirm me.
It takes faith to believe God will truly do greater things than what we could even ask or imagine in our lives, ministry, families, jobs, and situations. But it's faith worth finding. And it's the very first step in seeing God do anything beyond what is well within our control. We have to be able to believe in it.
In the end, what I see God ultimately doing in this time is building relationships with him. If you were to let someone pick you up and carry you for a distance, you'd quickly have to grow in your trust of that person not to drop you. The same is for God.
Let us quickly trust!
More to come!
Jason <><
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