Not only were we going to have a weekend together to fill our cups and remember how to be good to each other in this marriage, we were also celebrating the accomplishment of making it through 8 weeks of separation.

The retreat was well spent. Because of a gift to us, we were able to stay in a jacuzzi suite, spend time catching up, and learning/remembering Biblical truths about marriage, unity, and oneness with God and each other.
Some might say it's a little excessive going to Weekend to Remember year after year, especially since we've only been married less than three years. But the truth is, so far this year I've married one couple at Horizons. Yet, two Horizons families have already shared with me their plans to divorce. That's 2:1 not in God's favor. And in both cases, neither couple had sought the help of a pastor or the support of a marriage retreat. No one knew they were having any troubles.
Weekend to Remember certainly gives us tons of tools for life-long care of our marriage. Yet, marriages are like leaky vases. No matter how good our tools, if we don't refill the vase, it inevitability runs dry.
Our weekend ended up being very blessed, but it honestly was just in time. Over the course of eight weeks apart, Sarah and I began to see the affect of our distance. It was easy for us to be totally engaged in our lives where we were--whether it was Grey's Anatomy, church activities, or friends closer in proximity--yet struggle to find time to call or find energy to stay awake for the conversation. After a while, feeling like we were both second to each other's higher priorities left us both feeling a little hurt.
It's that easy. If we don't address that hurt (albeit minor in this case) in our relationship, it has a way of festering and multiplying. The next thing we know, there's something bigger haunting us.
So I thank God for the gifts of His Word, his instruction, and the opportunities to learn, grow, heal, and love!
More to come!
Jason <><
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