It was CRAZY (as in: exhilarating, terrifying, exciting, way out of my control)!
The words "I don't know if I can do this..." rang through my heart so many times that day, just as they have in many moments subsequent. It's been a crazy and life-giving ride!
But here we are, in the blink of a ministry-moment's eye, two years later, and I'm officially beginning my third year with Horizons. Sarah and I have grown tremendously in our faith together as we've watched God do extraordinary things we never dreamed could happen in this ministry and as we've also watched God withhold and respond in ways we never hoped He would as He called for us to reach deeper into our faith and relationship with Him.
And the beauty of it is, I am still growing, and still feeling barely competent for the work Jesus has called me to let Him do through me at Horizons. My tag line in my e-mails is "This is only the beginning." I put that there to remind me and all of us that while we often believe we've reached the height of where God is leading us, we've really only just begun.
Here's are a few things I'm thankful for in my first 2 years at Horizons:
- Jesus has taught me through many pains and successes how to commit Him as the true Lord of my life and all I have (Phil 2:9-11).
- The leadership at Horizons has given me so much trust from an early time that reflected their remarkable faith in what God was doing (Deut 10:19).
- God truly gives what we need according to His will (1 Tim 6:17).
- The love Horizons staff and people both possess and pour out on a daily basis, and how that love is what truly and powerfully paves the way for all other things to happen (1 John 4:11-12).

I cannot wait to keep growing, working through challenges, and living into extraordinary faith for man years to come. It's been a beautiful journey, and there's certainly more to come!
Praise God!
This is only the beginning!
Jason <><
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