There are a handful of men in my Sunday morning HOME group who have committed themselves to memorizing scripture. It's amazing and intimidating to watch them recite their verses in our conversations. I've read about this practice and have had many recommend it to me.
But I've struggled with getting going.
Perhaps I've felt so far behind that I didn't feel there was ever a good place to start. Perhaps memorizing scripture has mostly been placed in the context of needing it for rapid-fire responses during conversations with those who oppose Christianity. Perhaps I was simply being a resistant human--as God is all too familiar with.
Perhaps it's a combination of all these.
Recently I read in a book about getting refueled spiritually, and of course, the act of refueling spiritually also, apparently, requires one to learn scripture. BUT, the words used to describe why were the words that finally opened my heart to receive this practice. Doug Fields writes in his book "Refuel" that if we're going to live by God's words, let's take the chance to let it live within us.

The point is to let God's word not only reside on a page or in our ears as it's read, but also to let it reside in the well of our hearts and the rhythms of its pulsing. Having some simple words in my heart and accessible whenever--in the shower, while mowing or running, in the car, at my desk, right before facing a challenge, and in the midst of spiritual melt-downs--has been beautiful. Those words are alive in my life! They teach, speak, guide, comfort, and re-energize me. Plus, during the many moments when I am wondering about the deeper context of the words, I have the chance to check in with God on why it came out that way.
It's beautiful, and I invite you to try it. Just try one. Forget the rest for now: Matthew 6:33.
More to come!
Jason <><
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