But today I wanted to give some light to all the things happening as we lead up to VBS. Horizons is experiencing so much new life and energy it's worth jumping about:
- Horizons now has the largest staff in its history with the welcome of Karen Herrold, Adult Ministries Director (a position never filled before!). New opportunities for transformation and leadership!
- The Patio is done!! We had a GREAT open house, tons of donuts and celebrations. Many of us once thought maybe Horizons couldn't do something like this. God showed us it is indeed possible!
- The Community Mission Garden is continuing to grow, produce fruit, and take shape. There are still many opportunities and much to do to get it ready, but it's alive and relationships are forming around it!
- 4 of the High School students who went on the mission trip last week returned telling of how they fell deeply in love Jesus over the course of their time. It blew me away to hear their reports of their new and growing relationships.
- Just this last Sunday (July 20th), Horizons had a guest violinist Jamie Jorge, who played beautiful music and shared a powerful testimony. It was a transforming witness.
- Horizons leaders are beginning to emerge in exciting ways. More and more we are starting to see our calls to be leaders and to take strides in trusting what God wants us to do!
I could and WILL jump for more, as God reveals more and more for us to be thankful for!
More to come!
Jason <><
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