Night 1: The Right Kind of Buzz
Getting ready for VBS each year can be a little anxiety provoking--will we have the same energy? Will God bless our leaders and our kids as He has in the past? Will all those little pieces finally come together?
And so the first night begins--first people scurrying, laughing, waiting, preparing, and then crowds pouring in. It's exciting seeing faces and smiles and looks of wonder (especially on our parents' faces) as everyone finds their crews and gets acclimated.
Then Bob, Carl, and John come out, the music begins, cheering ensues. It's great, quite a rush.
But it's difficult not to begin speculating. Are we on track? Is the energy right? Are things coming together? Is this as good or better than the past?...

It made me think about their energy and mine. Clearly, these leaders have their hearts more fully in the right place. It's not how well everything is running that pumps us up and brings us over the edge of speculation. It's the pure energy and joy of knowing we're doing this all for Jesus, for God's name and love, and that once again we have a chance to share, proclaim, and reignite! This is what makes it good!
So as we go forward, my focus will be about sharing and seeing Jesus, not just having an awesome production!
--Pastor Jason <><
More to come!
My thankful prayer to God came last night as I watched Colton (college freshman) and Shea (high school freshman) gear themselves up in Hawaiian gear and rush out the door with such excitement to spend each night this week with the kids at Horizons VBS! They have been talking, plotting and planning for it for weeks. They didn't hesitate to give up time with work, socializing and video games to spend time serving God and serving others. WOW! God truly blessed me by giving my kids a heart for Jesus!