Tuesday, July 28, 2015

VBS BlogFest Night 2!

Today Liz Troyer shares about God's "1 million little things" that are happening daily at VBS!  It reminds me of what Jesus said about the kingdom of God--if you won't receive the kingdom of God like a child, it's impossible to enter it (Mark 10:15).

Thanks Liz!

Vacation Bible School for me really is about seeing the whole week through the eyes of a child.  I am blessed to see many of these children weekly in Discovery Zone, but VBS gives me the opportunity to get to know these children on a different level and to meet many new faces as well. 

It’s no wonder that as adults we turn into “Big Kids” during this week as well.  The atmosphere that is created at Horizons is contagious and magical! I have watched so many eyes stare in wonder at the decorations, or their faces light up when Bob and Karl arrive on stage, or the smiles as they dance and jump to the music!  They see how as adults we dress up, sing along to the music, and aren’t afraid to let our guard down and dance and be silly.  Then mix in activities and stories that help build and grow their faith! 

I love to see the growth that the youth are experiencing.  I love to see how my children that are going into first grade are “thriving” being part of the Elementary VBS.  They are so ready to be BIG kids!  I have loved watching how the Fusion kids (many of whom I taught when they were 3 years old!) are now old enough to volunteer and give back. 

I am blessed to see the personal growth in my own children during this week as well.  My son, who is 2 is truly experiencing VBS for the first time this year.  His smiles and laughter, and his constant humming and singing of the songs he hears are priceless.  My 8 year old raced from her softball game yesterday, because she could hardly stand missing even an hour of VBS.  My oldest, now almost 12 and able to volunteer.  She is so excited to “serve” this year.  Her stories she tells of her own “littles” make me proud.

I know sometimes we expect God to talk to us in a profound way.  But I feel that God talks to us in a million little ways every day. We just have to slow down and notice them.  In VBS we talk about God Sightings each night. Ways that the children have seen or experienced God during their day.  I encourage all of us to look for these God Sightings, because they truly are all around us.

My God Sightings are very simple…the smiles, waves, high fives, knuckles, hugs and the snuggles from my “littles” every night. When they crawl up into my lap at the end of the night, when they are dying to tell me about their day, or show me the crazy outfit they are wearing.  Many times these priceless moments help erase the stresses of my day and help restore and strengthen my own faith. 


Praise God!  More to come!


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