So, in the midst of ongoing controversy, the church has a very important task at hand. Regardless of where a church falls theologically on the issue of same-sex marriage, it is crucial we remind ourselves and the greater world that this topic is not the epitome of our existence. Yes, believe it or not, the body of Christ has been purposed for much greater things and we are called to live for even bigger triumphs and victories.
Today is Part 1 of why the church is still good: Sacred Community

We meet weekly, we feast together, we laugh and tease, we check in, catch up, we pray, and we dig deeply into God's word. We hold each other accountable to our practices and choices, we talk about our marriages, we ask each other for parenting advice, and ask how we can be there for each other between the Sundays when we meet. Our members keep having babies, and everyone's children come with them to our gathering. Our houses are tiny, our living rooms are packed, and our voices are often not heard over the exclamations of children.
But whenever we meet, we are extremely blessed. It's a sense of togetherness we don't often have the chance to experience in today's world of digital contact and busy schedules. While many may argue the case of community formation being a solely human phenomena, I am convinced that the deepest, most joy producing example of community comes only from the example of the church as the body of Christ. Here's why I believe this:
- A greater purpose has been set for our coming together: growth, service, support, giving God glory
- A deeper accountability runs through our connections: we have agreed to make sacrifices to be there, and our conversation isn't allowed to stay on the surface
- A true expectation and example to support each other exists in Jesus' and the disciples' examples
- We are called to pray for each other
- Our personal growth goes beyond just what we need to know for "survival" to what God needs us to know for building His kingdom
- We're held to a higher standard of interaction that quickly dismisses drama, gossip, and dissension within the group

Before we had formed our group, I was unaware of how good it would be. But now that I've tasted and experienced it, I can say it has been one of the most life-giving components of my week. If it weren't for Jesus' example and the church in motion today, we wouldn't have this sort of community and resulting joy. I'm sure of it.
Here's to the Church!
More to come!
Jason <><
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